class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Using tidycensus to work with Census data ### Sono Shah ### (updated: 2019-07-23) --- ## Slides: ## ## Code: ## --- class: left # What is Tidycensus? ## It's an R package that allows for interfacing with the US Census Bureau's **decennial census** and **ACS** APIs. .footnote[API = Application Programming Interface] --- # FactFinder & DataFerrett Pain .center[ ![](ff-screenshot.png) ] ## Do you regularly have to use FF to pull down the same table (i.e. B02001) for **multiple levels of geography** or for **multiple years**? --- # Benefits of Tidycensus - ## You can reduce the amount of **"point-and-click"** -- - ## reproducibility, and scale -- - ## It is **tidyverse-friendly** (easily integrate the **`%>%`**) -- - ## Supports downloading spatial data (aka shapefiles so you can easily make maps) --- # What kinds of data can I get? -- - [American FactFinder Tables]( -- - American Community Survey - 1-yr, 3-yr, and 5-yr - Years **2010 - 2017** -- - decennial census - 1990, 2000, and 2010 -- - population estimates - population, components, housing, and characteristics --- class: inverse, middle # What you can do with tidycensus? --- # Go from Data to table or visualization quickly ```r get_acs(geography = "state", variables = "B03002_012", year = 2017, survey = "acs1", summary_var = "B03002_001") %>% head(10) ``` ``` ## Getting data from the 2017 1-year ACS ``` ``` ## The one-year ACS provides data for geographies with populations of 65,000 and greater. ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 10 x 7 ## GEOID NAME variable estimate moe summary_est summary_moe ## <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 01 Alabama B03002_0… 201970 2353 4874747 NA ## 2 02 Alaska B03002_0… 51712 110 739795 NA ## 3 04 Arizona B03002_0… 2202173 NA 7016270 NA ## 4 05 Arkansas B03002_0… 223764 1357 3004279 NA ## 5 06 California B03002_0… 15477306 NA 39536653 NA ## 6 08 Colorado B03002_0… 1206724 NA 5607154 NA ## 7 09 Connecticut B03002_0… 578833 NA 3588184 NA ## 8 10 Delaware B03002_0… 89540 NA 961939 NA ## 9 11 District of Colu… B03002_0… 76526 NA 693972 NA ## 10 12 Florida B03002_0… 5370860 461 20984400 NA ``` --- # To a Table
--- class: top .pull-left[ ```r * get_acs(geography = "county", variables = "B03002_012", year = 2017, survey = "acs1", summary_var = "B03002_001") %>% * top_n(10,wt = estimate) ``` ] .pull-right[ <img src="slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-4-1.png" width="504" /> ] --- class: inverse, left # What I'll show you - ## How to install tidycensus -- - ## How to pull data -- - ## How to pull data with shape files (for mapping!) --- # How to install tidycensus -- ### 1. Visit **** and sign up for an API key (it's free!) -- ### 2. Start R/Rstudio and install the package using **`install.packages("tidycensus")`** -- ### 4. Load the package using **`library(tidycensus)`** -- ### 5. Install your census key and use option `install = TRUE`. ```r census_api_key("PASTE-YOUR-KEY-HERE",install = TRUE) ``` -- .center[ ## You are ready to start pulling data! ] --- # Main Functions - ### `get_acs()`: American Community Survey - ### `get_decennial()`: Decennial Census - ### `get_estimates()`: Population Estimates - ### `load_variables()`: Load variables to search in R --- # Using `get_acs` - ### **geography**: i.e. `state`, `US`, `county` `school district`, etc. - ### **year**: endyear of sample i.e. `2017` - ### **survey**: i.e. `acs1`, `acs5` - ### **table** or **variables**: i.e. `B03002` or `B03002_012` --- # Why use **variables** instead of a table ID? .center[ ![](duke_ncs_fact_finder_table_example.png) ] --- # Why use **variables** instead of a table ID? -- .center[ ![](ff-b03002-2.png) ] --- - ## In other instances you might have a single row, but you need to pull tables with different suffixes (i.e. Median Household Income) - B19013D = Median HH Income (Asian Alone HH) - B19013H = Median HH Income (NH-White Alone HH) - B19013I = Median HH Income (Hispanic, any race HH) --- # Why use **variables** instead of a table ID? ## Instead of pulling each table separately, you can pull them all together like this: ```r get_acs(geography = "county", * variables = c("B19013D_001","B19013H_001","B19013I_001"), year = 2017, survey = "acs1",summary_var = "B19013_001") %>% top_n(n = 10,wt= summary_est) ``` --- # Supported Geographies -- - ### US -- - ### Region -- - ### State, County, tract, block group, place, congressional district, zip code, school district -- - ### pretty much anything you might want. .footnote[Full list of options available [here](] --- # Looking up variables -- .pull-left[ - What if you are not a crazy person and you don't know the table number from memory? - NO PROBLEM! We can look it up using the `load_variables()` function ```r load_variables(year = 2017,dataset = "acs5") ``` ] -- .pull-right[ ![filter](tidycensus_view.PNG) ] --- classes: inverse .pull-left[ ```r get_acs(geography = "county", state="CA", county = "037", * variables =c("B19013_001", * "B19013B_001", * "B19013D_001", * "B19013H_001", * "B19013I_001"), year = 2017, survey = "acs1") ``` ] .pull-right[ <img src="slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-9-1.svg" width="504" /> ] --- # Using `summary_est` to calculate proportions - We want data on the top 5 congressional districts with the largest population share of: - Hispanics - Asians - Blacks - To make calculations easier, we can set `summary_var` to = the total population of the congressional district. --- # Using `summary_est` to calculate proportions - Here's what the code looks like .pull-left[ ```r groupstopull <- c("B03002_003","B03002_004", "B03002_006","B03002_012") get_acs(geography = "congressional district", * variables = groupstopull, year = 2017, survey = "acs1", * summary_var = "B03002_001") ``` ] .pull-left[ ``` ## Getting data from the 2017 1-year ACS ``` ``` ## The one-year ACS provides data for geographies with populations of 65,000 and greater. ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 8 x 4 ## # Groups: group [4] ## NAME group estimate group_share ## <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 District 5, Kentucky NH-White 669225 0.961 ## 2 District 6, Ohio NH-White 656627 0.943 ## 3 District 40, California Hispanic 650436 0.881 ## 4 District 34, Texas Hispanic 618721 0.850 ## 5 District 2, Mississippi Black 470765 0.671 ## 6 District 9, Tennessee Black 462385 0.663 ## 7 District 17, California Asian 425657 0.552 ## 8 District 1, Hawaii Asian 355195 0.497 ``` ] --- classes: inverse, middle # Pull data over time --- - Using `get_estimates` we can pull data from the Census population estimates API .pull-left[ ```r * get_estimates(geography = "combined statistical area", * product = "population", year = 2018, * time_series = T) ``` ] .pull-right[ ``` ## # A tibble: 10 x 5 ## NAME DATE GEOID variable value ## <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <dbl> ## 1 Albany-Schenectady, NY CSA 1 104 POP 1168485 ## 2 Albany-Schenectady, NY CSA 2 104 POP 1168490 ## 3 Albany-Schenectady, NY CSA 3 104 POP 1168881 ## 4 Albany-Schenectady, NY CSA 4 104 POP 1169036 ## 5 Albany-Schenectady, NY CSA 5 104 POP 1170182 ## 6 Albany-Schenectady, NY CSA 6 104 POP 1171186 ## 7 Albany-Schenectady, NY CSA 7 104 POP 1171074 ## 8 Albany-Schenectady, NY CSA 8 104 POP 1170599 ## 9 Albany-Schenectady, NY CSA 9 104 POP 1169677 ## 10 Albany-Schenectady, NY CSA 10 104 POP 1171448 ``` ] --- .center[ <img src="slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-14-1.png" width="504" height="80%" /> ] --- # Mapping - Tidycensus also has support for pulling census boundary data. -- - This can be great for some quick prototyping -- - You can download the spatial data by setting `geometry = TRUE` when pulling data. --- ```r ca_tract_geo <- get_acs(geography = "tract", state="CA", variables = "B19013_001", * geometry = T) head(ca_tract_geo) ``` - Notice the extra column ``` ## Simple feature collection with 6 features and 5 fields ## geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON ## dimension: XY ## bbox: xmin: -122.2694 ymin: 37.83454 xmax: -122.2124 ymax: 37.88544 ## epsg (SRID): 4269 ## proj4string: +proj=longlat +datum=NAD83 +no_defs ## GEOID NAME variable ## 1 06001400100 Census Tract 4001, Alameda County, California B19013_001 ## 2 06001400200 Census Tract 4002, Alameda County, California B19013_001 ## 3 06001400300 Census Tract 4003, Alameda County, California B19013_001 ## 4 06001400400 Census Tract 4004, Alameda County, California B19013_001 ## 5 06001400500 Census Tract 4005, Alameda County, California B19013_001 ## 6 06001400600 Census Tract 4006, Alameda County, California B19013_001 ## estimate moe geometry ## 1 208393 46352 MULTIPOLYGON (((-122.2469 3... ## 2 147500 34827 MULTIPOLYGON (((-122.2574 3... ## 3 88173 11036 MULTIPOLYGON (((-122.2642 3... ## 4 102821 13517 MULTIPOLYGON (((-122.2618 3... ## 5 92375 18444 MULTIPOLYGON (((-122.2694 3... ## 6 86458 30610 MULTIPOLYGON (((-122.2681 3... ``` --- .pull-left[ ```r ca_tract_geo %>% ggplot(aes(fill = estimate)) + geom_sf(color = NA) + coord_sf(crs = 26911) + scale_fill_viridis_c(option = "plasma", labels=scales::dollar) + theme_minimal()+ labs(title = "Tract-Level HH Median Income", fill = "HH Median Income") ``` ] .pull-right[ <img src="slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-18-1.svg" width="504" /> ] --- .pull-left[ ```r ca_tract_geo %>% filter(str_detect(NAME,"Riverside County")) %>% ggplot(aes(fill = estimate)) + geom_sf(color = NA) + coord_sf(crs = 26911) + scale_fill_viridis_c(option = "plasma", labels=scales::dollar) + theme_minimal()+ labs(title = "Tract-Level HH Median Income", fill = "HH Median Income") ``` ] .pull-right[ <img src="slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-20-1.svg" width="504" /> ] --- # Uses - Create r scripts for "top 10 counties/states/zipcodes/whatever" - Build a Shiny App that connects to Census APIs for internal use - Quickly pull down contextual data for merging into surveys --- # Other random things - [Margin of Error estimates + calculator]( - Tidycensus comes with a built-in dataset called `fips_codes` which has county name, fips code, state name, state fips code, state abbrev. - Tiycensus gives you the option of formmating the data as "long" versus "wide", using option `output = "wide"`. --- classes: inverse # Helpful Links for Tidycensus - [TidyCensus Documentation]( - [Pulling Multi-Year Data]( - [Kyle Walker Data]( --- classes: inverse # Helpful links for Tidycensus - [Pull all tracts for US]( - [Mapping with Leaflet]( - [Mapping with TMAP]( - [Working with Census data in R]( --- classes: inverse # Other Tools - Do you use IPUMS data? There's an R package for that - Other R packages for Census - `censusapi` gives access to 300+ Census APIs - `lehdr` gives access to the Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics data (LODES) - [Tabula]( - Extract Tables from PDFs - [Tabulizer]( - Same thing but as an R package for programatic use! --- class: inverse, middle # The end ## Slides: ## ## Code: ##